HackIllinois 2014

HackIllinois is a 36 hour event where college students from across the country create technical projects ranging from websites and mobile apps to Wi-Fi connected microwaves. You can work on...

BoilerMake 2014

BoilerMake, a 36-hour hackathon at Purdue where teams of students create software and hardware projects that solve important, real-world problems. BoilerMake brings together highly talented university students with top-tier companies...

Low-Power Wireless Sensor Network

Creating wireless sensor networks is a very interesting idea. It has real world applications that can help people in so many ways. These networks can be used for crop management,...

Playing Music And Video With OMXplayer

The Raspberry Pi can be turned into a media player using XBMC, making the tiny credit-card sized computer into an awesome all-in-one media center. However… what if you just want...

Playing Tones With Piezoelectric Speakers

Last May 8, I created a Vine video playing the Star Wars Imperial March using an Arduino and a piezo speaker. A lot of people appreciated it, so I decided...

First Look, Arduino UNO R3 (Plus Some Shields)

I guess doing a post about multiplexing using the Arduino without showing the platform itself first, was a mistake. So, in order to make amends for this, here’s a “first...

WebKit Font Smoothing

You can make your website fonts a little bit nicer by using the WebKit font smoothing. There are three options to choose from: none, subpixel-antialised, and antialiased. None This setting...