MadHacks 2015

Coming to this event was a last minute idea. It has only been a week since Campus 1871. My body was still recovering from the lack of sleep but I...

Campus 1871

Believe it or not, Campus 1871 was actually one of the best “hackathons” I’ve ever been to. 100 (20 from each university) top students from Northwestern University, Illinois Institute of...

VandyHacks 2015

VandyHacks is a 36-hour hackathon at the University of Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee held on March 20 - 22, 2015. Giant Google Four-in-a-Row Getting set up Super Smash Bros Opening...

HackIllinois 2015

It’s that time of the year again! I’m so proud to be part of the team organizing this super awesome event for the second year in a row! Opening Ceremony...


I’ve always been fond of Icarus, son of Daedalus. He and his father built wings made of wax and feathers, as part of the plan to escape from the island...

PennApps 2015

Last weekend, I attended PennApps (Winter 2015). It is a student-run hackathon held at the University of Pennsylvania that happens twice a year. There were over 1000 hackers burning through...

Website Reboot

I haven’t been able to update this site in a while. But here it is at its new found glory. Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by!