First Look, Raspberry Pi

First Look: Raspberry Pi

Everybody is talking about the Raspberry Pi, a credit card-sized computer running on free open-source Linux operating system that is fully programmable and easy to use. You can plug it into a TV using HDMI, connect it to the internet via LAN, and watch high resolution 1080p videos, thanks to its 512 GB RAM (Model B) and GPU.

The Raspberry Pi currently has two models, model A and model B. Model A is the cheaper version selling on a $25 price tag. It has 256 GB RAM, only one USB 2.0 port, and no Ethernet port. On the other hand, model B (the one pictured above) is slightly more expensive with a $35 value. It has the 512 GB RAM, two USB 2.0 ports, and an Ethernet port for network connection. Both have the standard RCA connector for video, 3.5mm jack, HDMI port, GPIO connector, and micro USB port for power supply.

First Look: Raspberry Pi HDMI port

First Look: Raspberry Pi Micro USB port for power supply

First Look: Raspberry Pi GPIO Connector

First Look: Raspberry Pi 3.5mm Jack

First Look: Raspberry Pi RCA Connector (Video)

First Look: Raspberry Pi Two USB 2.0 Port and Ethernet Port

First Look: Raspberry Pi (Photo from Raspberry Pi Organization)
